Forest Spirits

“Ancestral children of the forest, and caretakers of the bonsai. Each spirit draws power from a universal element”

This beautiful generative series was co-commissioned by ZeNFT & Nighttimes. The series built upon the original ZeNFT “Bonsai” aesthetics, while also leaning into personalization of the collectible character. Nighttimes produced character designs, animation, and cinematic. These lightweight 3D files were built with spatial computing in mind, catering specifically to the Apple Vision Pro.

The beauty of 3D generative collectibles is the flexibility of well designed assets; the Forest Spirit’s thoughtful character design informed an entire world of art. This launch loop is an excellent example of how far you can stretch thoughtful 3D.


Each Forest spirit draws its power from an elemental source, inspiring its role in life. Strength, magic, speed, healing, to the mystical dark arts... which type of spirit will you become?


While the elemental core is where they draw their power, the staffs are where the Forest Spirits express their personality! Each staff is an expression of their hobby, and some of them are even a magical extension of their element. The staffs are a traditional flare, and no Forest Spirit is complete without one.


Where does your spirit live? Where do they play? Where do they go to meditate? Each environment is a piece of their world, each with its own history and culture.


  • ZeNFT

    NFT Publisher

  • Night Times

    Design +Animation

  • Zachary Hunt

    Concept Artist




Thor Card